
Digitizing the Analog: A Guide to Transforming Typewritten Texts to Digital Files

Posted by Joe Amoriello on Sep 01, 2020


How to Convert Typewritten Documents Into Computer Files

In the age of digitization, the appeal of typewriters remains intact. Many individuals appreciate the tactile feedback, nostalgia, and deliberate focus that come with using a typewriter. However, in a world where sharing, storing, and editing digitally are paramount, converting typewritten documents into computer files becomes a necessity. Thankfully, there are several ways to achieve this. Let's dive into how to bridge the gap between the analog charm of typewriters and the digital efficiency of computers.

1. Scanning and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)


  • Scanning: Start by scanning your typewritten document with a flatbed scanner. Ensure that the scanner's resolution is set to a minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch) for clear, high-quality images.
  • OCR Software: Once scanned, use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. This software can "read" the scanned image of the text and convert it into editable text.
  • Editing: After OCR processing, open the file in a word processing software to check for errors. OCR is highly accurate but might misinterpret some characters, especially if the typewritten text is faint or smudged.

Recommended OCR Tools: ABBYY FineReader, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Microsoft OneNote.

2. Mobile Apps

Several mobile apps, designed specifically for scanning and OCR, can convert your typewritten pages into digital text on the go.


  • Take a Photo: Using the app, take a clear, well-lit photo of your typewritten document.
  • Convert to Text: The app will then process the image, extracting the text from it.
  • Export: Once converted, you can export the document in various formats, such as DOCX or PDF, and transfer it to your computer.

Recommended Apps: Microsoft Office Lens, CamScanner, Evernote Scannable.

3. Manual Transcription

For those who want a more hands-on approach or have documents that might not be easily interpreted by OCR due to age or quality, manual transcription is an option.


  • Setup: Open a word processing software on your computer.
  • Transcription: As you read your typewritten document, type its contents into the software. This gives you a chance to make real-time edits or updates to the content.
  • Proofreading: After transcription, make sure to proofread the document for any typing errors.

4. Professional Transcription Services

If you have a bulk of typewritten pages or simply lack the time, you can hire professional transcription services. These services can transcribe your typewritten documents accurately into digital formats.


  • Find a Service: Research and select a reputable transcription service online.
  • Send Your Documents: Some services might require you to send physical copies, while others might work with high-resolution scans.
  • Receive Digital Files: Once transcribed, the service will send you the digital files, typically via email or cloud storage.

Recommended Services: Rev, GoTranscript, TranscribeMe.

While typewriters offer a unique and irreplaceable experience, it's comforting to know that you can easily bridge the gap between analog and digital. By converting typewritten documents into computer files, you ensure the longevity, accessibility, and shareability of your cherished writings. So, type away with the knowledge that your words can effortlessly join the digital age when needed!

Now that you've learned how to convert typewritten documents into computer files you see why you should choose a typewriter over a computer.