
Manual vs. Electric Typewriters: The Ultimate Showdown

Posted by Jonathon Gregull on May 26, 2021


Choosing Your Champion: Electric or Manual Typewriter?

It's the age-old question - manual or electric, which is the better typewriter? Since we've been in the business for over 60 years, we at wanted to throw our hat into the ring in this debate and try settling this once and for all. Without further ado, here is let's get the main event:

Electric vs. Manual Typewriters - Let the Battle Begin!


Take a look at these two typewriters side by side. The one on the right is the Royal Classic Manual Typewriter and the one on the left is IBM Lexmark Personal Wheelwriter 2 Electric Typewriter.

On looks alone, I think it's fair to say that the Royal Classic is a prettier machine than the Wheelwriter 2. That isn't even just about the color. There is a certain charm, elegance, and romanticism about these manual machines. Maybe it's the idea or dream that people can follow in the footsteps of famous writers like Ernest Hemingway, Orson Wells, or Snoopy.

[picture of snoopy typing]

Winner - Manual Typewriters


Believe it or not, typewriters are still being used in certain industries today. In our blog from 2019, we outlined 10 industries that either prefer using it or are legally bound to use one in some cases. For users like these, they would want the best performance out of their typewriter instead of just aesthetic looks. 

Electric typewriters provide that professional experience. Universally speaking, their key touch is much softer than their manual counterparts, and can type more words per minute. Check out this manual typewriter emulator. If you're a fast typer like myself, it can be a challenge getting used to the slower pace, which is inefficient. Certain electric typewriters like the Nakajima WPT-150 and 160 have line correction memory, allowing for easy backspacing.

Winner - Electric Typewriters


Take a look at that manual typewriter emulator again. Did you notice how certain letters are a little uneven, wobbly, or not all the same shade? Manual typewriters are known to have problems like this. Typewriter keys may not press to paper the same way with each keystroke, typewriter arms can jam, and (as mentioned before) typing speed slows you down enough to trip you up, causing more mistakes. While you may run into some typing problems when using an electric typewriter, they are few and far between. Straight typewritten lines and consistent letter pressing go a long way. The difference is in...the power. With electricity powering each keystroke, you won't have to use finger muscles that you never used before. Unless you want a workout, the electric typewriters take this one.

Winner - Electric Typewriters


Moving around is key when you're trying to focus. According to Psychology Today, sitting in the same spot can drain brainpower and stifle creativity. Manual typewriters provide that freedom that your brain craves. Whether that's relaxing on a sandy beach, climbing a snowy remote mountain, or just from one room to another, manual typewriters are ready for your next adventure. To give electric typewriters credit, there are versions out there that can run on batteries. But these models are few and far between. The Royal Epoch Manual Typewriter, for example, weighs nearly half as much as an IBM Wheelwriter 6 Series II.

Winner - Manual Typewriters

And the winner is...

That's for you to decide!

You see, there is no definitive answer I could give that could finally end the debate. Both electric and manual typewriters have their strengths and weaknesses, but it all comes down to your needs and personal preferences. While an attorney or government worker would prefer an electric typewriter so that they can work fast, an aspiring writer may prefer a manual typewriter so they can remain unplugged and untethered.

Whichever side you fall on, rest assured that you will find what you're looking for here at! Below is a list of our offerings, segmented between electric and manual. Feel free to browse our online selection.

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