Mastering Typewriter Maintenance: 3 Essential Tips for Vintage Enthusiasts

Mastering Typewriter Maintenance: 3 Essential Tips for Vintage Enthusiasts

Posted by Brandon Leip on Jan 27, 2023


Top 3 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Vintage Typewriter Pristine

Are you a lover of vintage technology? Do you own a typewriter and want to make sure it stays in tip-top shape? Look no further! In this blog post, we will go over the proper maintenance techniques for your beloved typewriter. Keep reading to learn how to make sure your typewriter is always ready for your next writing session. Keeping your typewriter properly maintained is important to increasing the longevity of the machine. If you want to ensure that your typewriter has a long life, check out these 3 tips that we have outlined below.

1. Clean

In addition to replacing the ink ribbon, keeping your machine clean is important for a long lasting typewriter. Use a soft cloth to wipe down the exterior of the machine, and use a small brush to clean out any dust or debris that has accumulated inside. Regularly dusting and wiping down the machine will help to prevent dirt and debris from building up and causing problems. Check out our other blog How To Disinfect An IBM Wheelwriter.

Royal Classic Manual Typewriter

2. Lubricate/Oil

Another important step in maintaining your typewriter is to lubricate the moving parts. Most typewriters have a few gears and levers that need to be lubricated to ensure they move smoothly. Use a small amount of oil on these parts, and then test the machine to make sure everything is working properly. The moving parts of the typewriter can become dry and cause friction, which can lead to damage and wear over time. By regularly lubricating the machine, you can help to ensure that it continues to work smoothly and efficiently.

Royal Epoch Manual Typewriter

3. Use Gently

Finally, it is important to be mindful of how you use your typewriter. Try to avoid slamming the keys too hard, as this can cause damage to the machine over time. Additionally, be careful not to overload the typewriter with too much paper, as this can cause the machine to jam. It's important to keep your typewriter in a safe place, away from extreme temperatures and humidity. Typewriters are delicate machines, and they can be damaged by exposure to extreme heat or cold. Keep your typewriter in a cool, dry place, and make sure it is protected from moisture.

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